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Blog Tour: The Whistlers in the Dark

Jinny and Felix live on opposite sides of the Antonine wall. Jinny is a member of the Damnonii tribe, with a fierce temper, a habit for getting into mischief, and a burning desire for revenge. Felix, the son of a Roman soldier and a Damnonii woman, feels caught between two worlds, not fully accepted by either. Brought together first by tragedy and then by a revenge-plot that goes wrong, Jinny and Felix soon discover that they may be each other's best allies, and the only ones who can stop a devastating and destructive future from taking place.

As well as it's striking cover, I was really drawn to this for its setting - Scotland in 158 AD. The Antonine wall was quite a bit further north than Hadrian's Wall (it's just north of Glasgow and Edinburgh) and I've enjoyed reading about it since finishing this novel, as it wasn't something I'd heard much about before.

The Whistlers in the Dark is filled with magical legends, danger, and plenty of clever twists. The dual narrative between Jinny and Felix keeps the reader guessing and gives an insight into two seemingly very different worlds. With war an ever-present threat, and the dark myth of the sleeping stones hanging over both characters, tension remains high throughout.

Thank you to the Write Reads for letting me be a part of the tour, and for sending me a copy to review.

1 Comment

Anita Loughrey
Anita Loughrey
Sep 22, 2023

A lovely review.

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